Chris Paraggio, Operations Mgr. (aka @Marcyline )
My son, Chris, told me he wanted to study music at college. I thought "Why do people fail at doing things they love?" Maybe they don't understand the business around it.
My career was in computer networks until I received a cancer diagnosis that left me without a voice for years. I started NoNetz with other neighborhood women to keep my head busy, until Chris shared his college plans. At that point, I bought out the other women and decided to use NoNetz as a teaching tool so he could understand how business works.
Together, we realized how many people are actually uncomfortable in their clothing. So, we started to design for the texture sensitive (flat seams, no tags, no-cling fabrics) to ensure everyone is comfortable.
During this journey, we have seen how hard the textile industry is on the environment. "Clothing/textile manufacturing is the third largest global polluter behind food and construction. ~ The World Economic Forum"
As a result, our fabrics contain recycled post consumer content, as well as highly sustainable threads made from saw dust and corn waste. Our manufacturing team in Thailand is WRAP certified ensuring working conditions are safe, lawful, humane and ethical. Our NYC team is using the most efficient 3D knitting processes available - where the clothing is "printed" as soon as its ordered. A portion of each order is donated towards plastic reclamation. We believe that sustainable comfort is the key to relaxing, having fun, and adventuring at your best.
Our goal is to be soft on you and soft on the planet.